Thursday, June 23, 2011

Keys to Retaining Length

Many people wonder why their hair will only grow to a certain length and then start to break. Well, I have finally learned the secret to retaining length. Here are three tips I'd would like to share:

1. You must keep your hair moisturized daily. I personally found that using a spray bottle to spritz my hair with an oil and water mix helps out tremendously.
2. Low manipulation - Step away from the comb/brush. Wear your hair in styles that don't require you to comb/brush your hair repeatedly.
3. Tuck those ends away. Wear your hair in styles that protect your ends from: contact with your clothes, harsh sun rays and winds... and most of all keep your ends MOISTURIZED!

Try this for 6-12 months and keep track of your growth/length retention. Report back and let me know if you've noticed a difference.

If you have tips that you'd like to share or add, please feel free to leave a comment.

Until next time... Love me naturally!

1 comment:

  1. You are right on about that hair length. Nice tips. I'm the type of girl that can't get her hands of her hair. My protective style are twists with added marley braids and still keep my hair/roots moisturized by spraying with some Cantu Shea Butter conditioning cream along with water olive and castor oil! I will try to keep this up intill December/January!

